Invitation to the EU-VET CARE Online European Symposium: "Strengthening capacities for better health care to refugee and migrant children"
You are invited to the “EU-VET CARE Online European Symposium: Strengthening capacities for better health care to refugee and migrant children”. The Symposium is organized by the Ethno-Medical Centre in the context of the European program EU-VET CARE, on Wednesday 28th of July 2021, 14:00 – 17:00 CET.
The European Symposium will cover issues related to the health needs of migrant and refugee children including unaccompanied minors such as the challenges of working and providing care to this vulnerable group, the EU policy on the topic of health care provision and the situation and challenges they face, in each consortium country. Moreover, the event will introduce the EU-VET CARE Project, analyze the program’s research findings and present the educational modules and the e-Learning platform that was developed during the program.
EU-VET CARE is a three-year project, which will be completed in August 2021, funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union. It aims to design and implement innovative vocational training for health professionals on the appropriate delivery of health-care for migrant and refugee children including unaccompanied minors. The project consortium comprises organizations from 5 European countries: Ethno-Medical Centre (Programme Coordinator, Germany), Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus), Prolepsis Institute (Greece), Faros (Greece), Zadig ltd (Italy) and Universitat de Valencia (Spain).
The Symposium will be carried out online, through the Zoom platform and participation is free of charge.
Please fill in the online registration form through this link: