Euvet at the 20th International Conference on Integrated Care
The Euvet project has been presented at the International Conference on Integrated Care 2020 (ICIC20) at the beginning of September 2020. ICIC20 is an important meeting that connects health and social care professionals, researchers and policy-makers on the field of integrated care providing the opportunity to work together to improve the health outcomes of the communities and populations they serve. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, this year the conference was completely held online as a 4 day virtual conference and was attended by over 1,000 integrated care experts representing over 80 countries.
The topic discussed were public health and population health management, policy development and Euvet project was introduced at ICIC as an oral presentation by Polibienestar Research Institute, one of the project partner: “Health care delivery for minor migrants and refugees in EU: gaps in the knowledge and expertise of health care providers”.
Childhood care by its nature requires the integration of nurturing and protective services. However, a lack of appropriate resources tackling the specific needs of migrants and refugees has put pressure on the health care services affecting specially to these children.
For that reason, the European project EUVETCARE qualitatively explores the barriers related to the daily practice of professionals caring minor migrants and refugees in 5 EU countries (Greece, Italy, Spain, Cyprus and Germany), in an effort to strengthen their capacities for care delivery. The results show a need for culturally-competent case management strategies of minor migrants and refugees.