Reports and results
Conceptual framework for training health care professionals working with migrant/refugee children including unaccompanied minors (O1)
This activit will result in specifying the training and knowledge gaps and presenting prospectives of professionals (physicians, psychologists, social workers, cultural mediators) about their needs when working with migrant/refugee children, based on a thorough review and participatory research. The report will highlight shortages, gaps and good practices and will discuss the training requirements that need to be taken into account when designing the methodology and developing the training packages.
June 2019 - EU-VET Care Literature review & Country profiles
Training curriculum Methodology (O2)
This output consists of a comprehensive guide for the development of the new training curriculum. It will serve as a basis, describing the fundamentals and strategy for designing evidence-based tools and materials and for delivering the developed training, that will help improve the provision of health care to children undergoing the process of migration either voluntary or forced. The IO2 report is not intended for public dissemination, rather it represents an internal working tool of the partners.
Training package development - interdisciplinary part (O3)
The training package will include the training manual, power point presentations, and other tools such as videos, case studies, suggested study visits, exercises, reading material per thematic, etc. It will also include proposed tools for the assessment ofskills acquisition, recognition and validation. The interdisciplinary part will comprise of the core courses that will be common for the different types of professionals working in children health care provision, i.e. physicians, psychologists, social workers and cultural mediators. The core course will include modules such as mental health issues, protection of children, legal rights of child migrants/refugees, especially rights to access health care in EU states, identification of trafficking victims, non-verbal communication. The training package is available on the e-learning platform.
Training package development - specialized part (O4)
The modules of the specialized part of the training will be providing specialized skills and more in depth knowledge addressed to each specific target group: e.g. symptoms and stress signs to alert on specific vulnerabilities and risks faced by the examined migrant/refugee children, more detailed analysis of the protection system for children for social workers; specifics on communication with children, adolescents, and families for cultural mediators. The training package is available on the e-learning platform.
E-learning platform (O5)
The e-learning platform will include both the interdisciplinary and specialized training modules and assessment tools to evaluate user performance. The platform will also include communication and networking tools that will allow members to register their profiles and to identify other participants to create thematic community groups. Go to the EU-VET CARE e-learning platform.
Guidance and recommendations for VET trainers (O6)
This output will provide guidelines for VET professionals and other interested parties (e.g. public sector and civil society organizations) on how to implement the newly produced knowledge from both the interdisciplinary and specialized parts of the training, in their own organizations.
July 2021 - The EU-VET CARE Guidance and Recommendations for VET-trainers (DE) (EN) (ES) (GR) (IT)